

Language Policy


At KJS, language is central to learning, thinking and communicating. It is integral to exploring and sustaining personal development, cultural identity and intercultural understanding. In line with our mission, vision and values, we believe the language children learn and use helps establish their identity and their concept of international mindedness. This policy outlines our core beliefs and practices which permeate through the teaching and learning of Language in four key areas:

  • English Language
  • Chinese Language
  • English as an Additional Language
  • Home Language

Language permeates the whole curriculum and transcends individual subject disciplines. Language is not learnt independently of meaning and function. Therefore, students need to be provided with different purposes, situations and audiences within real and meaningful contexts for the development of language. The teaching of and about language involves Oral, Visual and Written Strands in an interrelated and meaningful way.

KJS advocates the learning of language through inquiry, allowing students to make connections with context, to explore and investigate. The learning of any language is developmental by nature, building constructively on what each individual student knows to help move them forward.  Through the Programme of Inquiry and the English Schools Foundation Scope and Sequence documentation we ensure that our children will be effective, reflective communicators with an open-minded view of the cultural identity of others.

All teaching staff are responsible for language development, which is achieved by learning language, learning through language and learning about language.


English Language

English is the language of instruction at Kowloon Junior School. We recognise that our school community is diverse and our children come from a wide range of backgrounds with a variety of English language experiences. The children are supported in their learning through differentiated instruction based on their individual needs across the subjects and throughout a transdisciplinary programme of inquiry.

Progress across the phases is tracked developmentally through PYP language continuums and ESF Scope and Sequence documentation.

(For details of expectations please see English Literacy Expectations) (will be a live link when ratified)


A whole language inquiry-based approach to learning is incorporated throughout the curriculum. Learning is planned according to the three strands identified in the IB’s Language Scope and Sequence

  • Oral language – Listening and Speaking
  • Visual language – Viewing and Presenting
  • Written language – Reading and Writing


Chinese Language

We recognise that Chinese is the second language of our school and the language of our host country. We are committed to children achieving success in Chinese.

Throughout their schooling, children are provided with learning opportunities appropriate to their needs and background in learning Chinese. Following the ESF wide outcome-based multi-pathway curriculum, our children are catered for in different groups and pathways which start  from year 3. Placement of children in one of the Pathways (currently three: Foreign, Near and Second Language) is determined by ongoing assessments each year with fluid allocation depending on capability and competencies.

The three language Strands (Oral, Visual and Written) are taught through purposeful and engaging activities.


English as an Additional Language (EAL)

EAL learners are those who are learning in a language other than their Home Language.

We recognise that communication is the basis of language acquisition. EAL children are simultaneously learning to use English whilst learning curriculum content through the medium of English. As a result, meaningful, useful communication in a safe, stimulating, language-rich, learner-centred environment provides the foundation of EAL teaching and learning. This approach within a PYP context engenders confidence, facilitating successful language acquisition.

It is our intent to provide EAL learners the opportunity to succeed at KJS by creating a learning environment that encourages student pride in their cultural and linguistic heritage. This environment provides the cognitive and affective support to help them become contributing members of the global community.


Home Language

Our school community encompasses a range of cultures, beliefs and languages spoken. Language is intrinsically linked to culture and we value our children’s languages to affirm their cultural identities. Through the Programme of Inquiry, children are given opportunities to share their own cultures and language and to become internationally minded, appreciating and actively seeking to learn about others.

The school recognises that language is essential for negotiating new meanings and deepening the understanding of concepts, thus supporting our students in becoming effective communicators in all their languages. Children will be encouraged to make connections between English, Chinese and their Home Language, by translating key vocabulary and discussing concepts, attitudes, skills and content. Adults within our school community will be used, where possible, to assist with translations and to promote a deeper understanding through discussions about learning in their Home Language.



1st draft Sept 2nd 2019

2nd Draft 19th November – Advocacy Group

Staff review 19th November – 9th December 2019

Policy approved March 2020


Philosophy Statement

At KJS, assessment is central to our goal of supporting students in the development of knowledge, conceptual understanding and transferable skills. One of the main goals of assessment is to have practitioners and students who demonstrate assessment capability and parents and legal guardians who are informed about their child’s current learning targets and how best to support them in making progress. Assessment of all types provide evidence for the practitioner to make decisions, often in collaboration with the learner, about the next steps in the learning process. Effective assessment integrates assessment for, of, and as learning. Assessment practices should inform the learner, learning and teaching, the learning community.  At KJS we aim to involve practitioners and students collaboratively in monitoring, documenting, measuring and reporting on learning. This collaboration in turn helps to develop our students as reflective thinkers who are increasingly able to identify their own strengths and areas for development, taking initiative and action to set and achieve personal targets. The KJS Assessment Policy is informed by and consistent with that of the IBO and accordingly, includes the model for ‘Integrating assessment.’

Integrated Assessment Culture at KJS:

We believe all stakeholders (learners, practitioners and guardians) need to be assessment capable and have a shared understanding of the purpose and value of assessment in both learning and teaching. It is important that stakeholders understand what is being assessed, the criteria for success, and the methods by which the assessment is made. This understanding will support learners in monitoring and regulating their own learning and as a result they will have greater success in school.

Assessment capable learners: Students at KJS understand what they are learning , why they are learning it, what success looks like and how to achieve this. They are able to monitor their own progress, set learning targets and reflect on their learning. Students assessment capabilities are cultivated by their teachers and they are very much active participants in the assessment process.

Assessment capable learners:

  • partner with teachers to select personal learning targets and success criteria
  • understand where they are in their learning, their next steps and how to achieve this
  • select tools and resources to guide their learning
  • self-report on their achievements with increasing accuracy and confidence
  • communicate their learning progress
  • are developing metacognitive skills to reflect on their learning and to plan next steps
  • seek feedback and recognise mistake making as learning opportunities

Assessment capable practitioners: Assessment for, of and as learning is part of the dialogue and discussions our practitioners have on a regular basis at KJS. We define assessment capable practitioners as those who cultivate and encourage learners to be, and feel, accountable for their own progress. Practitioners support learners to become self-regulated who self-assess, self-monitor and self-adjust their own learning. Assessment is part of the regular collaborative conversation as a way of finding out where learners are and their next steps. Practitioners think like assessors using learning engagements as opportunities to find out more about their learners and about their own teaching practices. They are knowledgeable about the curriculum, learners and effective pedagogical practices.

Assessment capable practitioners:

  • know how to gather assessment information and communicate the information in ways that are supportive of student learning
  • help students understand what success is: teachers share and co-construct understanding through the use of criteria/descriptors and exemplars
  • use data and evidence to inform learning and teaching
  • help students develop their metacognitive skills to effectively evaluate their own work
  • help students to develop strategies to modify and monitor their own work.
  • give effective, timely feedback and communicate learning progress
  • share evidence and data with students and the learning community
  • partner with students to develop learning targets
  • support students to know where they are in relation to the criteria and select appropriate tools and strategies to move forward
  • support students understanding and development of assessment capability through modelling
  • build students’ self-efficacy through intrinsic motivation strategies and create a learning climate where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities

Assessment capable learning community: We understand the importance of having regular and open communication with our learning community to support success for every child. To enable an assessment capable learning community we will;

  • explain our beliefs and values about assessment through meetings, and written communication
  • ensure the community are aware of the benefit mistake making has in the process of assessment
  • provide regular opportunities throughout the year for members of the learning community to have face to face meetings with their child and the teacher
  • provide written reports on a regular basis throughout the year
  • obtain feedback from our learning community regarding the reporting process

Dimensions of Assessment

The purpose of assessment is to inform the learner, learning and teaching, and the learning community so that students can answer the questions: Where am I going? How am I going? Where to next? This can only be achieved if practitioners and students work collaboratively together to monitor, document, measure and report on learning. Documenting and reporting are combined dimensions to reflect our practice.

These definitions, tools and strategies provide clarity regarding implementation of the four dimensions of assessment, examples of tools and strategies used across KJS for each dimension as well as department expectations for each dimension.

Year Group Expectations

Staff at KJS will be supported and encouraged to continually access evidence based tools and strategies in order to enhance assessment practices.


Academic Integrity

KJS Mission & Vision

“Success for Every Child”

Our mission is to provide a joyful, supportive and stimulating learning environment where successful learners achieve through a wide range of learning opportunities and have positive wellbeing. They will learn with an attitude of respect for self, others and the environment and have increasing levels of agency to take action and make a positive difference in the world. Our children will be internationally-minded lifelong learners.


Our Philosophy

At Kowloon Junior School, we believe that academic integrity should serve as a guiding principle for our learners, within learning and teaching and within the learning community. We see it as strongly linked with a student’s agency and their choice to act in a responsible way once they have the skills and knowledge to do so. We commit ourselves to educate our community on what academic integrity is, how to act with integrity and how to take responsibility for the representation of their own, and others’ ideas. Teachers at KJS plan for age-appropriate teaching and learning opportunities that support our students in understanding that it is acceptable to use the ideas, words or work of others and we demonstrate caring and responsibility when we appropriately acknowledge this. We acknowledge that to create an ethos that genuinely supports academic integrity, all community members must have a shared definition of this and related terms.  Expectations for academic integrity should be clearly explained to all community members and the consequences of not following these should be agreed.


Our Practice

The following are our aims for the school community. These practices will enable students to develop the skills needed to be academically honest and nurture the values that are the foundation of this.

For students:

  • To learn the skills they need to locate and select information;
  • To understand that inspiration from the ideas and creativity of others is a necessary and valuable part of learning;
  • To understand the reasons why academic honesty is essential;
  • To take responsibility for sharing where they find information, images and ideas and follow school expectations regarding citation and referencing (see Appendix); and
  • To be principled when selecting images and to choose copyright-free images in preference to others.

For teachers:

  • To model good practise in academic honesty for students whilst teaching and in presentations, for example by using copyright free sound and image files, and citing sources;
  • To teach students to locate, select, paraphrase and summarise information;
  • To understand the reasons why academic honesty is essential and explicitly teach these to the students;
  • To establish clear, age-appropriate expectations about citation and referencing with students;
  • To ensure that assessments do not allow for plagiarised work to meet expectations; and
  • To acknowledge and respect the sources of classroom resources or curriculum documents shared or used in school.

For parents:

  • To understand the reasons why academic honesty is essential;
  • To support their children in demonstrating academic honesty in their learning at home; and
  • To ensure that home learning is done by the child and not another person.


Procedures to deal with malpractice

Cases of academic dishonesty will be dealt with on a one to one basis with the aim of ensuring that the person involved can learn from their mistakes and move on positively without prejudicial treatment. In the unlikely case of cheating in a standardized test, the student will be accompanied by their parent in discussions to resolve the matter.



Year group expectations for academic Integrity which have been developed in collaboration with staff.


Academic integrity. (2019). International Baccalaureate Organization, Retrieved from https://resources.ibo.org/data/academic-integrity_9798d3b2-b75b-4940-9bb1-e33c6d541add/PRC-academic-integrity-en_237ee4dd-b989-426d-b031-d032f5bc8a08.pdf.

Academic Honesty Policy. (2018). Discovery College, Retrieved from https://www.discovery.edu.hk/dcwebsite/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Academic-Honesty-Policy-1.pdf.

Beacon Hill Academic Honesty Policy. (2018). Beacon Hill, Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LMzewIBhugh7Y1uJfKkZVO4pYnpA4BXh/view.

Garza, C. (2014). Academic honesty – principles to practice. Retrieved from https://www.ibo.org/contentassets/71f2f66b529f48a8a61223070887373a/academic-honesty.-principles-into-practice—celina-garza.pdf.

Policy Review:

1st draft – Library and SLT – 4th November 2019

2nd Draft – staff – November 27th

Final – Library and SLT



At KJS we create a safe, supportive and caring environment where beliefs and values reflect a respect of cultural diversity. We motivate individuals to become lifelong learners who are empowered to take action to make a positive difference in the world. The school community works together to develop global citizens with a sense of social awareness and responsibility through an engaging, relevant and challenging curriculum.



Expectations Policy

In line with our mission to create ‘safe, supportive  and caring environment’  where ‘the school community  works together to develop global citizens with a sense of social awareness and responsibility’ our aim at KJS is to:

–        encourage  students  to  develop  responsibility  and  independence  by  understanding  the  reasons  for,  and  the  value  of  self discipline and self control.

–     enhance students’ self esteem and encourage self respect and respect for others

–     develop interpersonal skills which facilitate cooperation with others, problem solving and rational conflict resolution skills

–     develop a sense of order, community and an objective value of fairness.


These aims are underpinned by:

  1. 1. The Learner Profile attributes within the Primary Years Programme, (Appendix A), in particular:
  • Caring ‘We are friendly, kind and thoughtful towards everyone and everything’
  • Principled ‘We are responsible, respectful, honest and fair’
  • Reflective ‘We think, do and review’
  1. 2. The PYP attitudes (Appendix A), in particular – Respect, Empathy, Appreciation, Cooperation, Integrity


General expectations:

The following expectations were created for all members of the school community by the Student Council (2012):


We treat each other in a friendly way

helping each other

being kind and supportive of each other speaking nicely to each other


We try our best at everything we do

all day, every day, everywhere

We keep our school clean and tidy

looking after personal and school property

putting litter in the bins

hanging up bags and coats eating only in the classroom or playground

We keep our school safe

walking on the stairs playing in the correct areas

We walk quietly when moving around the school.

between lessons

on the stairs and corridor

We listen appropriately

when people are talking to us in class, in the playground, in assemblies


Expectations for children:

The attributes of the Learner Profile form the guiding principles of behaviour expectations at KJS. To this end each year class teachers create an ‘essential agreement’,  focussing  on rights and responsibilities,  with their class which is age appropriate  and  in  line  with  the  attributes  of  the  profile.  This  essential  agreement,  along  with  the  school  mission statement will be shared with parents at the beginning of the school year.

Specialist teachers also use the Learner Profile attributes to set out expectations at the beginning of each school year.


Expectations of each member of staff:

As members of staff we understand  that adult attitudes, expectations  and behaviours  have a powerful effect on pupil behaviour. Therefore in the course of normal practice the expectations are that:

  • each member of staff monitors standards both socially and academically
  • each member of staff will have high expectations and will set expectations according to the needs and abilities of each child
  • each member of staff will be a role model in their own positive attitudes and behaviour
  • each member of staff will be where they need to be promptly e.g. playground for duty, in the classroom before children arrive
  • each member of staff will understand and use this policy


Expectations of parents:

As parents have chosen to send their children to KJS, we assume that their beliefs and values are consistent with those of the school. Families are encouraged to discuss and determine what is best for their children with respect to:

  • behavioural expectations
  • homework routines
  • eating and sleeping habits
  • exercise as part of a balanced lifestyle


Research has shown that all of these factors have a significant impact on academic achievement.

KJS accepts that parenting is a skills set and that the school can play a positive role in developing  these skills.   We strive  to create  a positive  and  effective  partnership  between  home  and  school  with  the overriding  ethos  of mutual support. Should persistent  behavioral  issues occur parents will be informed  in order that home and school can work together to help a child  – see ‘sanctions’.


Behaviour Management:

Behaviour Management Kowloon Junior School is based around two guiding principles:

  • Clear and consistent expectations
  • Positive reinforcement


Positive Reinforcement:

In line with our vision ‘Success for Every Child’, we recognize the importance of knowing our children well so that their behavioural efforts and achievements can be celebrated.

Alongside  each teacher’s classroom  management  practices (praise, stickers, ‘golden time’) the house system at KJS provides a consistent approach for rewarding positive behaviours and attitudes across the school. Every member of KJS is assigned a house when they join. All families are in the same house.

  • All adults and monitors  can award  ‘house  points’.   House  points  are recorded  by children  in their classes  and collected  by designated  monitors at each site. House Captains are responsible  for collating house points and publishing  them on ‘SPLAT’, our virtual learning environment.
  • The maximum points per child per action is 1
  • The role of the House Captain carries status and responsibility.

In addition, both academic and social effort and achievement can be recognized across the school through:

–       Celebration Assemblies

–       Sharing work with the Year Group Leader or a member of the Senior Leadership Team

–       Honours book


Clear and Consistent Expectations:

Most incidents of poor behaviour at KJS can be addressed by effective classroom management strategies within a class or   year   group.   For   typical   behaviour   issues   the   following   procedures   are   advised   within   a   given   teaching session/playtime:

  1. First warning: unacceptable behaviour is made explicit – either a verbal warning or similar which does not interrupt the teacher’s flow.
  2. If the behaviour persists the child is removed  from a given situation  and asked to sit elsewhere  in the same room/area  of the playground for an agreed amount of time (5/10 minutes/until the end of play).
  3. If the behaviour persists the child is removed from the area and asked to sit either outside the room if still in sight of the class teacher or in an adjacent class where they are still able to be supervised  by an adult. They are asked to complete a reflection sheet (Appendix B). This is recorded by the class teacher on Gateway. (APPENDIX C). All reflection sheets should be sent home to be signed by parents.   If a reflection sheet is not signed and returned to school within three days, the designated  member of SLT will contact parents to investigate the matter further.

If a behaviour is recurrent the child is sent to a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Parents are informed at the next available opportunity and asked to come in to school. An Individual Behaviour Management Plan (APPENDIX D) is then developed with all parties. This will include follow up by the designated member of SLT and will be phased out over an agreed time.



There is a ‘sliding’ scale of sanctions  depending  on the seriousness  and regularity of an undesirable  behaviour.  The sanction should be given as soon after the offence as possible in order to be most effective. Please note that filling in a reflection sheet should not be seen as a sanction, rather as a learning opportunity.

  • The opportunity to put right or make retribution for results of own action.
  • A class based sanction
  • Missed play. This can only be sanctioned by a VP.
  • In school ‘time out’. This would require the child to spend the school day isolated yet supervised e.g. PYP office, VP’s office. Meaningful work for the child would be provided by the class teacher.
  • A short term exclusion (can only be sanctioned by the Principal)
  • Permanent exclusion (can only be sanctioned by the Principal)

A record of sanctions taken beyond the classroom will be kept in a log by the VP on Gateway (Appendix C)


Individual Needs:

When considering sanctions thought should be given as to whether the series of actions are signs or results of a ‘special need or a child protection issue. It is up to the teacher’s judgement when to contact the IND department and/or the Child Protection Officer for guidance on the way to proceed. If in doubt, ask.


Action for examples of serious unacceptable behaviour

Serious behaviours include:

  • Violence
  • Deliberately causing injury
  • Persistent bad language
  • Vandalism
  • Persistent non compliance with adults
  • Bullying (including Cyber bullying) (APPENDIX E)


In the case of such incidences arising the following procedures apply:

  • Designated member of SLT investigates and records incident (Appendix C)
  • Written statements are taken from staff and children involved and recorded by designated member of SLT

on Gateway under the suggested headings (APPENDIX F)

  • The designated member of SLT, in consultation with class teacher, makes an informed decision
  • Parents of all children involved in an incident are informed by Vice Principal by telephone
  • A meeting is arranged with parents if designate SLT member decides further action is necessary
  • All information will be logged by the member of SLT on Gateway (APPENDIX C)


Personal and Social Education

Through the essential elements of the PYP we are able to able to support children’s personal and social education in order to support their understanding and ability to manage their own behaviour. Alongside the Learner Profile the most notable links are:


The transdisciplinary skills SOCIAL, THINKING and SELF MANAGEMENT



Across the school children are encouraged to use their ‘WITTS’ to solve relationship issues:


Walk away

Ignore Talk it out Talk Firmly Seek help



The PYP Learner Profile with children’s interpretations:



We are friendly, kind and thoughtful towards everyone and everything


We are responsible, respectful, honest and fair


We take good care of our minds and our bodies to be healthy and happy


We listen very carefully to other peoples’ ideas and try hard to understand them


We believe in ourselves and have the courage to face new challenges and try new things


We are enthusiastic explorers who find things out, ask questions and make connections


We think in lots of different ways to ask questions, solve problems and make decisions


We listen and talk to others, sharing clearly our ideas and feelings


We think, do and review


We seek and share ideas, information and experiences to understand our changing world


The PYP Attitudes:

Appreciation Appreciating the wonder and beauty of the world and its people.

Commitment Being committed to their own learning, persevering and showing self- discipline and responsibility.

Confidence Feeling  confident  in their ability as learners,  having the courage  to take risks, applying  what they have learned and making appropriate decisions and choices.

Cooperation Cooperating, collaborating, and leading or following as the situation demands.

Creativity Being creative and imaginative in their thinking and in their approach to problems and dilemmas.

Curiosity Being curious about the nature of learning, about the world, its people and cultures.

Empathy Imagining themselves in another’s situation in order to understand his or her reasoning and emotions, so as to be open-minded and reflective about the perspectives of others.

Enthusiasm Enjoying learning and willingly putting the effort into the process.

Independence Thinking  and  acting  independently,  making  their  own  judgments  based  on reasoned  argument,  and being able to defend their judgments.

Integrity Being honest and demonstrating a considered sense of fairness.

Respect Respecting themselves, others and the world around them.

Tolerance Being sensitive about differences and diversity in the world and being responsive to the needs of others.

Bullying  is the use of targeted  harassment  with the intention  of hurting  another  person.  Bullying  results in pain and distress and is typically a repeated behaviour.


Bullying can be:

Emotional  – being unfriendly,  excluding,  tormenting  (e.g. hiding books, using threatening  gestures, missing someone out

Physical – pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence

Verbal – name calling, sarcasm, teasing, spreading rumours

Racist – racial taunts, graffiti, gestures

Linguistic – deliberately using a language to exclude others

Sexual – unwanted physical contact ot sexually abusive comments

Homophobic – focusing on the issue of sexuality

Harassment that is ongoing


Signs and symptons of bullying:

A child may indicate by signs of behaviour that he or she is being bullied. All adults should be aware of these possible signs and they should investigate if a child:

–     Is frightened of walking to or from school or to go to the playground

–     Doesnt want to go on the school bus/public bus

–     Begs to be driven to school

–     Changes their usual routine regarding travelling to or from school

–     Is unwilling to go to school

–     Begins truanting

–     Becomes withdrawn, anxious or lacking in confidence

–     Starts stammering

–     Attempts of threatens suicide or runs away

–     Cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares

–     Feels ill in the mornings

–     Begins to do poorly at work

–     Comes home with clothes torn or books damaged

–     Has possessions go ‘missing’

–     Asks for money or starts stealing

–     Has money continually ‘lost’

–     Has unexplained cuts and bruises

–     Comes home hungry (lunch/snack given away)

–     Becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable

–     Is bullying other children or siblings

–     Stops eating

–     Is frightened to say what’s wrong

–     Gives improbable excuses for any of the above


Some  of these  signs  could  indicate  other  problems  but  bullying  should  be  considered  a possibility  and  should  be investigated.


Home Learning


The purpose of this agreement is to develop a consistent and purposeful approach to home learning between KGV, BHS, KJS, CWBS and JCSR based upon the shared language and values.


Home learning should be a shared responsibility between the student, teacher and family. It is designed to develop self – directed, responsible and independent and lifelong learners. Home learning should form part of a balanced and healthy student lifestyle.


 Home learning…

  • Develops the learner profile, attitudes and approaches to learning.
  • Enriches, enhances and develops learning through appropriate challenge.
  • Provides choice and voice, enabling student ownership.
  • Encourages a partnership with families and develops understanding through mother tongue.
  • Provides opportunities for students to take action based on their learning.


Teachers Students Families
  • Support students in developing healthy learning practices.
  • Home learning is explained to students (and/or families) in a clear and concise manner
  • Home learning is developed as a team, aligns with concepts being taught and enhances learning in the classroom.
  • Timely feedback is to be given to students
  • Home learning is planned and organised in accordance with the shared Kowloon Learning Campus values.
  • Develop healthy, effective learning practices.
  • Balance time between home learning, activities and family
  • Clarify what is expected from home learning tasks with teachers.
  • Complete and return home learning in a timely manner
  • Complete home learning with an appropriate level of support and collaboration
  • Aim to complete tasks to a standard they can be proud of.
  • Support their child in developing effective learning practices with an appropriate level of independence
  • Help their child to balance time between home learning, activities and family to support wellbeing.
  • Offer support and collaboration when appropriate.

Internet Safety

This page will be updated soon.