9 Jan 2017

Yr3 Weekly Update – 01/13/17

Central Idea:
Water is a finite resource that is not shared equally.


Unit of Inquiry

We are coming to the end of our water unit.  It has been such a great opportunity for children to see how people in other countries access water.  We have used books, websites, videos and photographs to help us find out more.  Their learning has created many great discussions and given the children a greater appreciation of how fortunate they are to have easy access to water.  The ‘Lock Tap’ experience at the beginning of the unit has been remembered and referred to by the children throughout this unit.  The powerful message of having restricted access to water has not been forgotten.  We have had the opportunity to explore the online programme ‘Piktochart’. This will be used to create an infographic next week. Many children are working independently at home on something that has interested them in class.  Seeing children taking pride in their own research  and bringing it into class to share with their peers makes the teachers very proud.



Maths this week has continued with addition and subtraction.  We are looking at number bonds and how this strategy of making 10 can help us to add up mentally.  We are also continuing to understand how to use the jump strategy to bridge 10 and exchange 10.  Measure, capacity and volume are still ongoing and children are becoming familiar with some of the mathematical language such as estimation, volume, capacity, litres and millilitres.  If you have measuring jugs at home have some fun with coloured water trying to measure out exact amounts. How about estimating the capacity of different household objects such as bowls, cups and vases.  Then see how much water they actually contain.  How do you test this accurately?



Note taking is still our main focus.  We are also using our ATLs (attitudes to learning) to guide this.  The children are very aware that they are collecting, recording, organising and presenting their data.  Some children have been presenting their research to the class orally.  We have some wonderful communicators!

We were so fortunate to have the opportunity to see the Kidsfest theatre performance of ‘The First Hippo on the Moon’.  It was fabulous and the children were engaged by the story, dance, songs, puppetry and humour.


Sports Day

Sports Day was such a lot of fun and the children had a great day.  Thank you for all your support cheering the children on.


Please Remember to…

  • layer your children on cold days, particularly on PE days.  Children warm up during the day and cannot remove clothing to cool down


Home learning to share with the children

The Piktochart website can be accessed by the children when they sign in on their school google account.  If they are able to have access to a computer it would be great if they can explore this at home and find out what it can do.