10 May 2019

Yr2 Curriculum Update – 10/05/19

Working together to achieve success for every child


Welcome to the 15th edition and Term 3!

Where we are in Place and Time: “Knowing about family history helps us understand the relationship between past and present”


Transdisciplinary Learning – It’s all connected!

The children have concluded their learning about Sharing the Planet by completing videos which have been shared with you. Children have had choice as to whether they presented one video or several, however they all have the same amount of learning to share with you in their Unit of Inquiry report..  Please take a look and take time to discuss what they have been doing, what they have learned and why they chose to share it with you.

The children have been tuning into their new unit ‘Where we are in Place Time’. Over the last 2 weeks, they have been exploring a range of artifacts from the past and formulating questions to guide their learning. Children have been bringing in photos and objects of their own history to share with the class.

On our trip to the Hong Kong History Museum, children were able to explore Hong Kong’s history and the changes it has been through. This experience allowed children to begin to explore two lines of inquiry:

  • Differences and similarities between past and present (connection)
  • Ways people have, do and could record family histories (change)

Ask your child:

  • What did you see at the museum that was different to now
  • What did you see at the museum that is the same as now
  • How did do people record history?



The children have been focusing on summarising. They have been finding out how we find important and interesting information from a book. The children have been creating a success criteria of what they need to remember when summarising their reading.



In Maths the children have been continuing looking at subtraction.

The children have been thinking about the different strategies they can use to subtract and the links they can see with addition. They have been finding out whether they can use any of their addition learning to help them subtract.


Ask your child:

  • What strategy can you use to subtract?
  • What addition strategies can help you with subtraction?


Year 2 children are inquiring into Chinese learning through songs, stories and rhymes. Different learning opportunities are provided for children to explore their interests and promote agentic learning.

Here’s a glimpse of the happenings in some of our classrooms:

Suggestions for Supporting Learning at Home

When reading with you child, ask them to summarise the book to you. Ask them about the important and interesting information they found out when reading.

The children are going to be starting to write their own historical stories. At home talk to your children about memories/stories from your childhood. Also talk to them about theirs.


Celebration of Learning

All parents are invited to the Year 2 Celebration of Learning taking place on Thursday 27th June 2018 (1.45pm-2.30pm). Students will have the opportunity to showcase their learning journeys from the current unit ‘Where We Are in Place & Time’ with you in their classrooms. The Celebration of Learning will commence in the Y2 shared area and progress to the Year 2 classrooms, ending at 2.30pm. 


School Dental Care Service 2019 – arranged by Department of Health

Date                                         Appointment Time                               Class

04/06/19                                    9.10 – 10.30                                          2B


11/06/19                                    09.50 – 11.00                                        2H


12/06/19                                    9.10 – 10.30                                            2L


12/06/19                                    9.50 – 11.30                                            2S


12/06/19                                    10.50 – 12.00                                        2G

A round-trip bus will be arranged by school. If you wish to accompany your child for the dental treatment, you are welcome to meet your child at the dental clinic:

J.C. School Dental Clinic

3/F, 147J Argyle Street.

Children are required to bring a toothbrush to school on the day of the visit.


Important Dates

13th May                                              No School – Buddha’s birthday

6th June                                                No School – Staff CPD day

7th June                                                No School – Dragon Boat Festival

4th, 11th, 12th June                             Dental Visits


Kindest regards,

The Year 2 Team