24 May 2019

Yr2 Curriculum Update – 24/05/19

Working together to achieve success for every child

Welcome to the 16th edition and Term 3!

Where we are in Place and Time: “Knowing about family history helps us understand the relationship between past and present”


Transdisciplinary Learning – It’s all connected!

The children are deep into their unit ‘Where we are in Place Time’. Over the last 2 weeks, they have been exploring timelines as a way of recording history. Students have begun to create their own timeline of their life so far. Classes have created their own success criterias for what is required in timeline.

In exploration time this week, students were introduced to games from the past. They learnt some new games that they will be able play at home and on the playground. Some of these games include games that they play now that may have changed from the past.

Ask your child:

  • What events are you including in your timeline?
  • Do I need to help you with times and dates for your timeline?



During literacy over the last 2 weeks, students have been exploring historical stories. They listened to range of different story books from the past and reflected on the connections they made. Students then sequenced these stories, focusing on the 5 parts of a story.

Students have also been exploring what past tense words are. Students sorted a range of sentences that were written in past, present and future text. These were then linked to our UOI and placed on the class timeline.



In Maths the students have been looking at patterns. They have been exploring what makes a successful pattern and the difference between repeating patterns and growing patterns. Students have been learning new terminology such as term and element.

Ask your child:

  • What is a pattern?
  • What is an element?
  • What is a term?
  • Can you create a pattern for me?



Year 2 children are inquiring into Chinese learning through songs, stories and rhymes. Different learning opportunities are provided for children to explore their interests and promote agentic learning.

Here’s a glimpse of the happenings in some of our classrooms:


Supporting Learning at Home

When reading with you child, ask them to look for past tense words.

The children are going to be starting to write their own historical stories. At home talk to your children about memories/stories from your childhood. Also talk to them about theirs.


Celebration of Learning

All parents are invited to the Year 2 Celebration of Learning taking place on Thursday 27th June 2018 (1.45pm-2.30pm). Students will have the opportunity to showcase their learning journeys from the current unit ‘Where We Are in Place & Time’ with you in their classrooms. The Celebration of Learning will commence in the Y2 shared area and progress to the Year 2 classrooms, ending at 2.30pm.


School Dental Care Service 2019 – arranged by Department of Health

Date                                         Appointment Time                               Class

04/06/19                                    9.10 – 10.30                                          2B

11/06/19                                    09.50 – 11.00                                        2H

12/06/19                                    9.10 – 10.30                                            2L

12/06/19                                    9.50 – 11.30                                            2S

12/06/19                                    10.50 – 12.00                                        2G

A round-trip bus will be arranged by school. If you wish to accompany your child for the dental treatment, you are welcome to meet your child at the dental clinic:

J.C. School Dental Clinic

3/F, 147J Argyle Street.

Children are required to bring a toothbrush to school on the day of the visit.


Important Dates

6th June                                                No School – Staff CPD day

7th June                                                No School – Dragon Boat Festival

4th, 11th, 12th June                               Dental Visits

27th June                                              Year 2 Celebration of Learning


Kindest regards,

The Year 2 Team