Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr2 Curriculum Update - 26/10/18

Working together to achieve success for every child

Greetings! – It's our 5th edition!

We write a regular newsletter keeping you up-to-date and informed about your child's learning. This will provide you with a good understanding of happenings in Year 2 and how you can support these learning experiences.

Let's Inquire – Who We Are

This week, the students continued their learning journeys, inquiring into the school wide wellbeing central idea, ‘Making choices that develop respectful relationships with ourselves, others and the environment define who we are as individuals and as a community'.

Transdisciplinary LearningIt's all connected!

Year 2 students have continued to question, explore and reflect upon the different types of communities they are part of, identifying what makes these successful. Central to this inquiry has been investigating student roles and responsibilities as community members of KJS. Creative learning opportunities, recycling and learning buddies have this week supported student wellbeing self-management and social skill development, enabling them to make connections to self, others and the school environment.

Creative Learning Opportunities ---> Within their art sessions, students have explored different forms of creative expression through loose parts, painting, mosaics, collage and sketches. In the coming months, the Year 2 students will start to create different motifs representing wellbeing at KJS. These motifs will then be displayed around school to support our whole-school focus on wellbeing.

Learning Buddies --->  For the academic year 2018/19, each Year 2 class will be paired and meet up regularly with their Year 4 buddy class. Working collaboratively, students will develop their skills and understanding across a range of different curriculum areas. Learning Buddies will provide opportunities for the students to foster friendships in different year levels, encouraging a greater sense of community. Stay tuned for further information!

Recycling ---> Learning opportunities have provided students with a deeper awareness of how their choices can positively or negatively impact the Earth. Consequently, students are accepting responsibility with regards to the 6Rs (i.e. reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse, repair & rot) through initiatives like composting and recycling, attempting to end plastic pollution at KJS.


Maths & Language

Within Maths, students have continued to explore a diverse range of problem solving tasks centred around place value promoting greater creativity, conceptual understanding and imaginative approaches to students learning. Subsequently, students are now starting to recognise, model, read, write and order numbers up to three-digit numbers in sequence and apply place value to partition. Meanwhile in Language, students have started to create their informational books connected to forces, containing the different features of non-fiction texts (e.g. diagram, caption, title, etc).


In the current unit, the Year 2 children continue to inquire into how their actions can affect others and how to work together as a successful learning community. They learnt through songs, rhymes, games and stories.

Here's a glimpse of some of our classrooms:

Year 2 Photos

Individual and class photos for Year 2 students will take place on Tuesday 30th October 2018. Please can you send your child to school wearing the correct school uniform attire.


KJS Bingo Night

This exciting family event will be held next month on 9 November 2018 from 5pm to 7pm.  Tickets will be priced at $80 per person for children and their family members.  Snacks will be provided by the school, please bring your own drinks and water in environmentally friendly containers.  Once again, this will be a non-alcoholic event.  We do not encourage parents to bring their own alcohol.  Let's make this event as child-friendly as possible.

Tickets will be on sale after the mid-term break from the PTA office.

Look out for posters with more details around school.



Tuesday 30th October 

Y2 Photo Day  

Thursday 1st November

3-Way Conference (after school)

Monday 5th November

Staff Continuous Professional Development Day - No school for students

We hope that the pictures we add to our curriculum update each week will help you to make connections to the information shared above and to give you an insight into our week in Year 2.

Please remember if you have questions or concerns, contact your child's teacher. We welcome feedback and look forward to working with you all to achieve success for every child.

Kindest regards,

The Year 2 Team