8 Dec 2017

Yr3 Curriculum Update – 15/12/17

Working together to achieve success for every child



The Unit of Inquiry:

Earth’s resources are limited and are not accessible to everyone.


Unit of Inquiry

Children are really getting into this unit and are investigating the different resources we all depend upon, deciding which of those might be classed as limited and finding out reasons for lack of access.

The skills we are practicing are planning and formulating questions.



We have been focussing on individual targets in our writing and reading this last two weeks and the children are becoming more and more proficient at both setting and evaluating their own targets.

For viewing and presenting we have been taking a leaf from 3G’s book and developing new success criteria for our show and tells.  By making success criteria a standard part of as many of our endeavours as possible we are letting the children take control of their learning by removing any alarms or surprises.  They know just what is needed for success, and just what they must become better at if that element is missing.



We have finally made it into the wonderful world of multiplication.  We have been investigating the meaning of multiplication and wondering about the relationship between addition and multiplication. We are continuing to develop our skills in solving word problems!


Home Learning

For those looking for an easy way to use multiplication skills at home, why not try Backwards Multiplication?  It’s easy, instead of saying “What’s 6×4?” ask, “If 24 is the answer what might the multiplication facts be?”

This requires deeper thinking and starts to develop an understanding of the reverse operation relationship between multiplication and division.


Party Day!

Fun was had!


Dates for your diary:

We are back in school on Monday 8th January and we will be excited and ready to learn!

Remember if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s learning and wellbeing at school please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance.



The Year 3 Team.