24 Nov 2017

Yr3 Curriculum Update – 24/11/17

Working together to achieve success for every child



The Unit of Inquiry:

Earth’s resources are limited and are not accessible to everyone.



We have been conducting pre-assessment activities this week in an attempt to see clearly what the children understand about this area of learning.  This has involved asking them for their understanding of various concepts and also for their wonderings, questions and desired areas of study.  The results are interesting and a collection are reproduced here for your interest:


What does sharing mean?

  • “I think it means swapping.”
  • “ I think sharing means letting other people use your things.”
  • “Sharing is when you take turns.”
  • “I don’t care what sharing is, I don’t like sharing.”


What are responsibilities?

  • “I think it means doing stuff without being asked to do (it).”
  • “Things that you got told to do!”
  • “I think responsibility is that you are putting things away.”
  • “Things you gots to do!”


What is the skill of viewing used for?

  • “Looking carefully at information.”
  • “Seeing the sights.”
  • “Looking and seeing – How can I make change to improve learning?


What do you want to learn about in this new unit?

  • What species are endangered?
  • I want to learn about what sharing the planet means.
  • I want to learn about what animals are in danger.
  • I really want to learn about Dinosaurs and how they did sharing the planet.
  • How making new things might damage the planet.
  • I want to learn about trees and forests and how we can help them.
  • The imbalance of biodiversity of life and resources.
  • The destruction caused by burning fossil fuel.
  • Alternative power like hydro powered, solar and wind powered.

One way to Share the Planet!


English Writing

Sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking of writing as something that only happens in the Writing Books of learners.  Si, here are a selection of written texts which are not from the writing books, but are from Inquiry and Maths Books.


English Reading

The first selection of books have come to an end and a new set will be made available for the next two weeks.  Again, children will be given a summary of the stories and then choose which story they wish t listen to over the next fortnight.



We continue to learn about subtraction and practice using the number line to track complex algorithms.  So learners have even started to tackle negative numbers by using a dice to move up and down a number line which reaches from -20 all the way up to 20.


Home Learning

We encourage all the children to pursue learning for its own sake, if they want to.  As inspiration, here are some of the images that were created at home by a student to help bring alive a show and tell all about the HMS Titanic.


Dates for your diary:

The Y3 End of Term Celebration will take place on Monday 11th December.  Children will be able to bring in toys or games for the morning session, share a pizza lunch and then choose from various fun activities in the afternoon.  They may wear their own clothes on that day.

Remember if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s learning and wellbeing at school please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance.



The Year 3 Team.