1 Mar 2019

Yr6 Curriculum Update – 01/03/19

Working together to achieve success for every child

The Year 6 Team



Welcome to the 11th edition of our Year 6 Curriculum Update!

In each update, you will be able to see glimpses of the learning journey that our students have been involved in over the previous two weeks. Our Learning Journey is written by teachers and students.

 Transdisciplinary Learning – It’s all connected!

In Inquiry, our Sharing the Planet unit is coming to an end. Classes have been completing their summative assessment, which is split into two parts: the first is about researching a source of renewable energy and creating a presentation. In our presentation we have to explain the big problem of carbon emissions, how different sources of renewable energy work, how these sources can solve the problem and what are the benefits and limitations of each type of energy source. The second part is think about how to make KJS  a green school; students have looked at areas around the school to find out how much energy we use daily and interviewed the office staff to find out  about use of renewable energy at KJS. After we have finished our research on KJS, some of us are going to present our findings and some solutions to Mr. O’Reilly. The purpose of this presentation is to reduce the carbon footprint of Kowloon Junior School.

In Writing, we have been investigating explanation texts. We have been  working on the language and structure features of explanation texts such as: using scientific words/technical vocabulary, causal connectives, present tense, subheading for each paragraph etc.

In Maths, we have been measuring how much sugar is in a drink (eg. Sprite, Coke, Yakult, chocolate milk). Some classes learned about the international date line and the prime meridian. Some other classes have been learning about volume and surface area and how to find the surface area of a 3D shape. Year 6 did a maths collaborative lesson involving all classes. The task was to build cuboids and to find the box with the largest volume.

In Mandarin, some classes have been learning about the Peking opera, and how the main colors on the masks represent different kinds of personalities. We also have been learning various vocabulary based on the texts we have been reading.

In Music, we are continuing to practice Canon in D by Pachelbel, some groups are performing to Mr. Davenport.

In PE, we are now in our games unit. We are trying to get used to playing against the rules and showing respect to the environment and our teammates. Also, we have started our endball unit, where we are learning to cooperate with our team members and practice our throwing and catching skills.

Library news:  This week has been Book Week. Lots of fun activities took place during the week, including Mother Tongue Readers during snack play and Mystery Readers during lunch. The Book Fair was held on Wednesday and Thursday. Y6 students loved the fair because books were not expensive and there were lots of different kinds of genres for us to choose. There were some real good deals for us to choose from.  


  • Saturday 16 March- KJS School Fair
  • Thursday 7 March- DB Run



Kind regards,

Year 6 Teachers and Students Editors and Photographers

(Arthur 6G, Adelaide 6G, Mannat 6P, Minchae 6P, Cyrus 6E, Sia 6E, Jaeyun 6L, Rachel 6L, Devanshi 6A, and Sian 6A)