21 Nov 2016

Yr3 Weekly Update – 11/25/16

Water is a finite resource that is not shared equally.

Unit of Inquiry

This week we have begun our Sharing the Planet unit.  We have started to look at the key vocabulary in the Central Idea.  On Thursday we created a provocation where we ‘locked the taps’.  For the whole morning the children were able to participate in a variety of messy art activities. The aim of the morning was for children to gain an understanding into how people do not have equal access to water.  Children were allowed different types and amounts of water e.g. dirty water, sharing a 500ml bottle, 250ml bottle, free flow and none.  They were only able to use their limited water to drink and clean their hands. The discussions that we heard during the activities clearly showed that the children were gaining an appreciation of their easy access to free flowing, unlimited fresh water. Their reflections showed that many children were beginning to have empathy with people who had limited access.


Maths this week has introduced addition and subtraction.  We are looking at bridging to simplify, and introducing necessary language such as bridging, partitioning, equivalents and multiples of ten.

Many classes are consolidating their understanding of time.


The children have begun to look at Viewing and Presenting in greater detail.  Our UoI will be involve a lot of pictures and videos that will require children look closely at images, to draw conclusions and make opinions on what they can see.

Please Remember to…

  • continue with our class experiments please could you send into school a 1.5L empty, disposable plastic bottle that will be cut and used
  • layer children’s clothing on top of their clothes.   On PE days they get very warm running around and the children in long sleeved vests are getting very hot

Home learning to share with the children

Discuss with your children the different uses of water in your homes and your environment such as food, cleaning products, fish tank, washing machine, gardening etc…
