Kowloon Junior School Parent Teacher Association Limited

The Kowloon Junior School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is non-profit organization. Its purpose is to facilitate close cooperation and contact between KJS parents and teachers to support student’s general welfare. As with other ESF parent teacher associations, our PTA has been incorporated as a limited company by guarantee and granted non-profit organization status by the government.

The PTA provides a forum for discussion of educational issues. The PTA also raises funds for the purchase of equipment for the enhancement of children’s learning where funding is not supplied by ESF.

As defined in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Kowloon Junior School Parent Teacher Association Limited, there are three classes of members: Parent, Teaching Staff and Principal membership.

PTA Committee Members for 2023-2024

Each parent is automatically a Parent Member. Each Parent Member is entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote on all general meetings, provided that each family will only have one vote, regardless of the number of the students the family has in the School. The membership of any Parent Member who no longer has a child as a KJS student shall terminate automatically without notice unless they retain membership in any other capacity.

The Teachers shall automatically become Teaching Staff Members by virtue of their appointment at the School. Each Teaching Staff Member is entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at all general meetings. Each Teaching Staff Member shall have one vote. The membership of any Teaching Staff Member shall cease automatically upon termination of their employment as a Teacher unless they retain membership in another capacity.

The Principal shall automatically become the Principal Member by virtue of his appointment at the School. The Principal Member shall be entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at all general meetings. The Principal Member shall have one vote. The membership of the Principal Member shall cease automatically upon termination of their appointment as the Principal unless they retains membership in another capacity.

A Parent who is also a Teacher shall be regarded as a Parent Member and not as a Teaching Staff Member. The Principal shall be regarded as the Principal Member even if they are also a Parent.


Membership Fees

By virtue of the ESF Ordinance, the annual membership fee is payable by the Parent Members of the PTA. The membership fee for the KJS PTA is HK$200 per family per year, payable by the parent during the first month of the academic year, or where a student is admitted to the School during the course of the school year, at the time at which the school fee for the first month following the student’s admission to the School becomes payable.


Recent Projects Undertaken by PTA

Over the past few years, the KJSPTA has contributed to the following:

Creating the new Sky Garden.

Purchase of new sound systems in the Hall and the Library.

Purchase of new state of the art interactive whiteboards in every classroom.

Providing more family and community events, and supporting the school in their events.


Parent Volunteers

We are always looking for parents volunteers. It is a great way to connect with other parents and get to know KJS better.  If you are interested to help out in any events, please send us an email to let us know.


Contact us

PTA Administrator: Ms. Rekha Mahbubani

Kowloon Junior School, 20 Perth Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: 3765-8709

WhatsApp: 6211-4154



We would like to know your thoughts – we welcome comments and suggestions from all PTA members. Please send them to the Chairperson via the PTA’s email address: