16 Jun 2017

Yr1 Weekly Update – 06/16/17



Scientists observe and classify in order to understand more about living things.


Unit of Inquiry

In our inquiry into How the World Works, we have spent the week exploring into different living things and how they are classified.  We have looked at plants and the different animal groups.

We have been finding out about what the different characteristics of the animal groups are.  We have used a variety of tools to help support our inquiring, including eBooks on laptops, iPads and books to find out about reptiles, mammals, fish, birds etc and we are now very independent at using these tools.  We have discovered some amazing information about a whole variety of animals.  We have successfully answered questions about what the different animal skins are like, what they eat, where they live, what their babies are like and if they look after them once they are born.




We continue to explore phonics in class through a variety of games, direct instruction and reading.

We have been practicing writing the information that we find in note form instead of full sentences and using a variety of organisers to help us order our findings.

Once we have collected enough information we will use our findings to write a report about our chosen animal.



We are continuing to explore addition and subtraction this week.  We have been considering number lines and how they can be used to help us.  We have discussed when different strategies are most useful and why would we use a certain strategy i.e. adding big numbers we would not use our fingers as it can be tricky to remember where we are in the count, but a tens frame would be really useful as it shows us the information very clearly.

Talking points:  Using the different language of addition and subtraction – add, plus, more, altogether, take away, subtract, minus, what is left?






Dentist visits

Dentist visits continue over the next few weeks.  On the day of your child’s visit they need to bring their toothbrush.  The dental booklet will be sent home at the end of the day.


Year 5 Market Day

As part of the Year 5’s inquiry they have been planning, organising and making things for their Market Day.  If you would like your child to take part they should bring $50 in a ziplock bag with their name on it and put it in their diary.


End of term party!

On Friday, 23rd June we will have our end of year party during the school day.  One of the many fun things we will do, is to have a joint snack picnic for the whole year group in the sky garden.  We will contact you nearer the time with more details.


Kadoorie Farm Visit

We will visit Kadoorie Farm on Monday, 26th June as a year group.  We thank all the parents who have volunteered to accompany us.  Teachers have contacted those parents whose names were pulled out of the hat.