5 Oct 2018

Yr6 Curriculum Update – 05/10/18

Working together to achieve success for every child

The Year 6 Team



Welcome to the 4th edition of our Year 6 Curriculum Update.

What an amazing learning journey past two weeks had been!  Year 6 students presented in our school assembly and got a fabulous opportunity to connect with different NGOs. Students have started thinking about making a positive impact on people and the planet and how small steps will make a big difference.

In each update, you will be able to see glimpses of the learning journey that our students have been involved in over the previous two weeks. Our Learning Journey is written by teachers and students.


Transdisciplinary Learning – It’s all connected!

In Inquiry, students have been learning about what NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) are and what they do. On 27th September, it was Y6 NGO day. Different NGOs such as Redress, Sunshine Action etc came to our school and met with our students. They talked about the issues these NGO’s were connected to and what inspires them to make a difference in communities. Here are some of the Year 6 students’ experiences:

“I enjoyed the NGO Day because it helped me learn what people are going through in their daily lives, like living in poverty, having to flee your country, living with disabilities, etc. I find this experience very helpful so that we can learn about why people are driven to make a difference,” says Audrey Lee, 6E.

“I really enjoyed this experience because I got an opportunity to meet the NGOs so that I can take action by donating to less fortunate people living in Hong Kong. I took some notes so I can include it in my iMovie summative assessment. But none of the NGOs I experienced today explained about gender inequality which is my passion to inquire about.” says Cyrus Tsang, 6E.

During NGO day, I really appreciated the ways different NGOs were trying to help the world. I learned that NGO Be The Change has an event called Mystic Christmas. It’s like a big carnival for the people living on poverty” says Casper Shu, 6P.

“I felt that this experience was really fun and interesting because we got to know how the NGOs took action and why they took that action. I learned that if make other people happy, you will be happy too. After this event, I think I will buy fewer clothes, recycle what I don’t need and donate my old objects to charity I will also think about volunteering.” says Rhianna Kim, 6L.

Well, I think the all the four NGOs were quite different in a way. My first one was an NGO created by Indi’s Dad. But the second one was about saving the environment.” says Sebastian Lau, 6G

Over the past couple of weeks, students have been attending different workshops to learn about presentation skills. These are the five various workshops that students have been attending: Performance Poetry, iMovie, Animation, TED Talk, and Visual Art. We have learned how to develop our presentation skills in different ways. As part of our summative assessment, we will use what we’ve learned to try and persuade people about our chosen global goal and issue. We did some research into the issue that we were passionate about. Thereafter, we got the opportunity to choose the global goal and an NGO to connect with the issue and we did some more research. We also learned how to cite our sources using the APA method.

In Writing, the students have been learning to take notes using the Cornell note-taking system: Keywords, Notes, and Summary. This helped them when different NGOs came to talk about their organisation and students were able to take in-depth notes. In some classes,  students have also been reviewing the persuasive features to make sure they will know how to persuade an audience for their workshops. Some students have been drafting letters to send to a Sketchbook manufacturer in order to persuade them to not to use plastic packaging. They have also created a rubric to support and self-assess their work.

In Maths, students are working on cracking differently codes such as Binary, Mayan and Roman numerals. They were challenged to crack equations that were based on the different systems and why they weren’t chosen. Some classes have been learning how to write a scientific notation to record big numbers.

In Physical Education, children are working on movement compositions and making their own poses combining 3 different, simple ones; star, tuck and straight. They are learning about what movements are best for their body and how they can make have a strong body.

During Music, students were assigned to make instruments using recyclable materials such as cardboard and plastic and play them. They have been finalising their compositions and getting ready to perform their pieces to the class.

In Mandarin, some classes have been planning their end unit assessment. They have discussed the appropriate way to write it according to the topic they are learning. Other classes have been doing rotations to learn about Mozart’s life and other cool facts about him.

Library news:

The Library is a comfortable place to be.  Therefore the librarians have come up with a schedule for the students to spend their lunch breaks in the library if they would like to. The year 6’s share the lunchtime schedule with the year 1’s to help them get down to their classrooms easily. Good news! Our head librarian has come up with a way to prevent the year 1’s from losing their hats.

Special Events:

 Zeisha Shahzad, 6E has been running the Girl’s Gym, which goes on during Wednesday lunch break. This club is for girls only, it has been formed to fight gender inequalities since men get more chances than women in life.

Padlet is a website which allows everyone to share their ideas. Students have been using it during their class assemblies. This website helps save time since everyone can type their ideas at once. Everyone now gets an equal chance, to share their ideas. Equal chance, equal talk!


  • Thursday 11 October                              Dress Casual Day
  • 15 to 19 October                                         Mid Term Break – No school
  • Thursday 25 October                               3 Way Conference (after school)
  • 29 October to 1 November                   Photo Days
  • Thursday 1 November                          3-Way Conference (after school)


How you can help at home?

Talk to your child about how they can make a difference and bring about a positive impact on the people and the on the planet. Please visit the teaspoons of change website to generate a list of ideas about in what different ways students take action. Please share their story or send in a picture where your child has taken an action. We will publish it in our newsletter.


We hope you enjoyed reading the past 3 newsletters. Have an awesome mid-term break!

Kind regards,

Year 6 Teachers and Students Editors and Photographers

(Jayden 6E, Sia 6E, Indira 6A, Azara 6A, Clive 6P, Queenie 6P, Adrian 6G, Nathaniel 6G, Rhianna 6L, Charlotte 6L and Simona 6L)