2 Jun 2017

Yr6 Weekly Update – 06/02/17


How We Express Ourselves – The Exhibition Showcase


Central Idea:

Expressing values and passions moves people to take action.


We are inquiring into

  • The reasons for our global goals (causation)
  • Local connections to the global goals (connection)
  • My responsibility to move others to take action (responsibility)



The Y6 classrooms, shared area and presentation areas were buzzing with excitement and anticipation as the final pieces of the PYP Exhibition were put together this week. We have now come to the end of the PYP journey for the KJS Y6 students.

The IB states the following about the PYP Exhibition:

“In the final year of the PYP, students carry out an extended, in-depth collaborative project known as the PYP Exhibition. This involves students working collaboratively to conduct an in-depth inquiry into real life issues or problems. … It also provides schools and students with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the transition of learners to the next phase of their education.”

This 9 week long process was an enjoyable one for the learners and the end result was “legendary” to quote one of the students. The last few weeks just flew by and we could see students having last minute mentor meetings, finding supplies for their displays or working on their artwork, TedTalks, or Go Animate presentations. It was a great show of collaboration, cooperation, teamwork and understanding. The learners exhibited the IB Skills, Attitudes and Learner Profile attributes in the best possible way. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our teachers, mentors and parents for nurturing our learners and helping them through each and every step. Last, but not the least, a big shout out to the Y6 students for a great PYPX! Can’t stop the feeling! Dream! Act! Change!



 5 June: Book week

6 June:  Y6 Immunisations

6 June: Y6 Author Visit

28 June: Y6 Leavers’ Celebration

30 June: Last Day of School – Ends at Noon

15 August: First Day of School for 2017-2018 school year