23 Jun 2017

Yr4 Weekly Update – 06/23/17



I can’t believe this is the last newsletter for the year! It has flown past for us all and we are proud and happy with all our progress and hard work. We are all busy working on the museum exhibits for next week’s Y4 Museum walk. There has been lots of gathering data and evidence, using maker skills and writing descriptions. Each exhibit will tell the ‘story’ of a particular aspect of a past civilisation.


Students got a taste of things to come when they attended the Year 5 market day on Wednesday. There were some fantastic products on sale and the bar was certainly set high for next year.

Classes have completed their civilisations in Minecraft and yo uwill soon have the opportunity to watch a fly-through via the end of unit report evidence.

Students will visit their new classes on Tuesday and reports will go out on Wednesday. Our class parties are on Thursday. Children are invited to wear their party clothes and bring games to play with their friends. There is no change to lunch arrangements on that day, however there may be some treats when we watch our movies in the morning.

All the very best for all our Year Four families on summer travels and adventures. It has been a wonderful year.