23 Jun 2017

Yr5 Weekly Update – 06/23/17


Producers and Consumers Play Interdependent Roles in the Economic System.


Y5 Market Day 2017

This week we held Y5 market day. The day was a great success. A huge “well done” to the Y5 students.

We would also like to add a thank you to all the parents who came in before the market opened to talk to the students about their journey to get to the all-important market day.

They read business plans and discussed sales techniques, pricing and advertising with the students and that really helped boost our vendors’ confidence on their big day. Indeed, one parent said, “I did something like this when I was at university, I can’t believe they are doing this in Y5!” Many thanks for your support parents.


All profits from the day will be given to charity.

Here are some comments from the students,

“I am so happy I made a profit!”

“I enjoyed market day because people liked my design.”

I enjoy interacting with the customers and understanding what they like and want.”

“My group had some left over products to keep for memory.”

“I am happy that I learnt about marketing.”


Important message

Continuing our theme of How We Organise Ourselves, the students are going to plan their own end of term party. It will be held next Thursday the 29th June. The teachers have organised a pizza party lunch which means Deli Fresh has been cancelled. If your child is not going to have the pizza (it is vegetarian) or you want to supplement the pizza, fruit and cookies then please provide them with a packed lunch. Students are allowed to come in party clothes on the day. The students will be planning and running the rest of the party!


We thought you might enjoy seeing some of the many photos taken on Market Day.